The dream financial wing woman you need to avoid costly mistakes, save tax, accelerate profitability, plug leaks and catapult your success as the CEO.

The biggest mistake I see six and seven figure business owners making is avoiding what needs to be done with the financials in business. Without a solid Financial Strategy in place you are left wide open to haemorrhage money and end up in serious trouble with the financial obligations that sit with you as the CEO. The CFO Impact will not only save you thousands in tax, it will help you buy back your time and give you total peace of mind that your business is built to last and financially fit.



The dream financial wing woman you need to avoid costly mistakes, save tax, accelerate profitability, plug leaks and catapult your success as the CEO.

The biggest mistake I see six and seven figure business owners making is avoiding what needs to be done with the financials in business. Without a solid Financial Strategy in place you are left wide open to haemorrhage money and end up in serious trouble with the financial obligations that sit with you as the CEO. The CFO Impact will not only save you thousands in tax, it will help you buy back your time and give you total peace of mind that your business is built to last and financially fit.

The CFO Impact is for you if you:

  • Want to save on Tax

  • Are fed up of the anxiety and embarrassment of poor finance management, a surprising tax bill, debt or wasting cash

  • Are someone who loves 'done for you' elements that makes it easy for you to just review information without thinking too much

  • Keep creating new offers and making sales with no plan for the future tax impact

  • Are experiencing feast and famine months with your money without having a strong handle on the numbers

  • Want a simple easy Financial system in your business that ensures you are compliant with the law and all the new HMRC updates

  • Struggle to find someone qualified and experienced who you trust, who won't judge you and who understands how to teach numbers to those who do not love them

You are running an empire with no time spare

You struggle to step away from juggling all the things and you just cannot find a hot minute to sit down and look at the numbers. The little spare time you have needs to go on YOU, so you do not burn out again.

You wish there was a way to know your business is compliant to eliminate the fear of the dreaded brown envelope coming through the letterbox with an unexpected error, fine or tax bill.

The horror stories you hear are enough to keep you hiding, even though you know that cash flow is the blood line of your business. Without a Financial Strategy you are wide open to risk and huge amounts of missed opportunity.

If only there was a financial wing woman who could come in and deliver a world class financial strategy and system in your business.. to gives you confidence, power, that helps to sustain your business growth and keeps you safe.

Meet Julie...

After the costly mistake of missing the VAT threshold early in her business, Julie learned the importance of leaving everything up to her accountant.

As she reached new levels of success Julie realised that she needed to take further control of tracking the financials and so she engaged me as the CFO to teach her financial literacy and implement a best in class financial system that supported her growth as the CEO of her multi six figure business.

Julie shared her financial goals with me and we identified huge savings in 3 ways; tax planning, implementing a compliant, simple financial process and outsourcing effectively. The results were that:

  • SAVINGS - We identified £18,000 of expenses unaccounted for meaning a direct tax VAT saving immediately and a Tax Saving for end of year accounts.

  • SYSTEMS - Julie now receives regular automated, accurate reports in which she simply reviews; which gives her priceless peace of mind.

  • SERVICE - As a qualified Accountant I knew the level of service Julie needed but wasn't getting and so in addition, with my support she successfully secured a new accountant who delivered exactly what Julie needed for her specific business.

Since taking Julie through The CFO Impact Framework (CATCH) she now has confidence and has mastered the financials in her business with a solid financial strategy in place ahead of her next stage of business growth.



My Promise

Work with me for 3 months and I will transform your chaos to control with the finances in your business. We will identify cash savings, buy your time back and save hours of wasted energy. Leaving you to benefit for years to come.

What is the CATCH System?

The CATCH System is a Framework that implements Financial Strategy for CEO's who do not have the time or budget to do it themselves or employ their own full time CFO


We will spend 90 minutes on zoom or in person checking in to see how you and / or your team (if you have one) manage the financial reporting in your business. This is where we get a feel of areas you want to build confidence and efficiencies in. It is often where I identify the areas we can save Tax and time quickly


I will assess and audit your current financials processes and systems. I will ensure you have a world class, accurate and effective structure and systems to support you.


Together I will work with your existing financial team (if this is you, this will be a one to one with you) to ensure that everything you need is in place. We will look at forecasted capital expenditure / investments for the business to ensure the cash flow will support the growth, with tax management considered.


After analysis, implementation and support, we will review the changes made, recap on risks and opportunities and results ending up with a Solid Financial Strategy that supports your Business Strategy.


To ensure that the processes and systems continues to deliver, we will keep in touch for a further 2 month end cycles. This is an important part of the financial transformation so you have certainty that your return on investment lasts for the years to come.

Setting yourself up for Financial Success is non negotiable - I've seen business owners lose their holidays, houses and cars due to poor cash and tax management due to ONE bill alone.

The CFO Impact will

  • Save you money

  • Give you the support you need to fire up your financial confidence!

  • Take away the stress of accounting by auditing and reviewing your existing systems making sure you are automated, compliant and up to date with HMRC's changes

  • Help you develop a Financial Strategy addressing any Tax considerations that underpins your wider Business Strategy

  • Supply you with regular automated reports so you can keep on top of the numbers and are able to act quickly when it matters most!

  • Give you regular support throughout the 3 months to guide you through the entire process

Having this support from a CFO in your Business would cost you tens of thousands annually.

With The CFO Impact you can access everything for a one time investment of £4,995!

Optional BONUS VIP In Person Day worth £1,000!!!

You will receive a VIP in person day where we will meet from 10am > 4pm to deep dive into ANY area of your finances, money or tax with lunch all included within the package. This can occur here in Cornwall, UK or I can travel to you else where in the UK.

Bonus includes the full day and lunch, accommodation costs are not included (recommended accommodation can be provided upon request dependent on your budget and preferences. For travel to you elsewhere in the UK this will incur additional costs.


Do I need to have a certain level of Turnover to join The CFO Impact?

The CFO Impact is most valuable once you are VAT registered and beyond. This is due the Tax (VAT, Corporation Tax, Personal Income Tax) implications and obligations that need to be managed due to exceeding that threshold. From 1st April 2024 that threshold was increased from 85k to 90k. If you are not yet turning over that amount you can join the Finance Course - Finance Mastery Blueprint as your starting point.

How much time do I need to invest?

We will spend 90 minutes on zoom or in person checking in initially and then depending on how your finances are run it may be that I speak with your existing team or accountant direct! If we are working together one to one it will depend on your capability - it really is a bespoke service that caters to both you and your business. You can expect a fortnightly check in call across the 3 months with WhatsApp support in business hours outside of this if needed.

Can I pay via instalments?

Yes of course! You have the option to pay in 3 instalments of £1,665 should you want to.

Do I have to come to Cornwall for the VIP day?

The in person day is included as an optional bonus for you if you wish at no extra charge to you.

You do not need to come to Cornwall, I can travel to you however this will include additional costs on top of The CFO Impact package, just for the costs of the travel. We can also meet in the middle if you prefer!

Can I have the Bonus VIP Day over Zoom?

There is not an option to have the VIP in person day over zoom. It is an in person day because of the value delivered when we meet together in person.

Can you guarantee cash savings to me as a ROI?

We guarantee a solid best in class Financial Strategy that supports your business. Having one of these in place does guarantee that you are maximising opportunities, mitigating common financial risks and also saving tax - it is the best way to ensure that if there are savings there that you can be 100% confident we will find them. Once in place this Strategy will make you savings every single year not just once.

Do I already need to be on Accountancy Software?

No you do not need to be on software nor do you need to be able to navigate it! But we will ensure you are set up on it AND that it is working for you with automated reporting. To be compliant with HMRC any businesses turning over 50k from 2026 will be required to report QUARTERLY for Self Assessment via compatible software - so this forms part of our Financial Strategy.

I'm embarrassed about my Finances and feel ashamed to go behind the curtain with you! How can I get past that?

I want you to feel safe and confident that you can trust me to help you. I've been in Finance for over 20 years and honestly have seen it all! I also went through my own transformation with my own finances, no one is perfect regardless of what Instagram portrays! The regular feedback I receive from clients is that I am empathetic, understanding and supportive even with the most numbers phobic CEO's out there! So please don't continue to suffer or lose money due to this worry.

How do we get started?

Simply fill out the application form for The CFO Impact via the pink button below and I'll be in touch to discuss our first meeting and the next steps!