Finance Mastery Blueprint for Female Founders

The modern day woman in business is financially savvy, empowered and leading change.

This essential Blueprint will take you from chaos and confusion to laser focussed clarity with your finances in business.

Finance Mastery Blueprint for Female Founders

The modern day woman in business is financially savvy, empowered and leading change.

This essential Blueprint will take you from chaos and confusion to laser focussed clarity with your finances in business.

Finance Mastery Blueprint for Female Founders

The modern day woman in business is financially savvy, empowered and leading change.

This essential Blueprint will take you from chaos and confusion to laser focussed clarity with your finances in business.


You're brilliant at what you do in your business but know you are missing essential financial knowledge

You struggle to find the time to sit down and work out your finances, you don't even know where to start!

The thought of your accounts and tax make you want to hide under the covers

You keep promising yourself you're going to take control one day but then fear creeps in, you feel stuck!

You wish you had someone to guide you because you just feel lost with the finances!


You're brilliant at what you do in your business but know you are missing essential financial knowledge

You struggle to find the time to sit down and work out your finances, you don't even know where to start!

The thought of your accounts and tax make you want to hide under the covers

You keep promising yourself you're going to take control one day but then fear creeps in, you feel stuck!

You wish you had someone to guide you because you just feel lost with the finances!

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re in exactly the right place...

You get to decide today to Master your Financials... to take control of your money, mindset and finance in your business... to learn the essentials of tax... are you ready to go ALL IN?

Not that long ago women were not allowed to have wealth. Have it, earn it, or keep it. In the UK women have only been able to have their own bank account since 1975. Mind blowing. On a cellular level there is a transition taking place with women across the world creating and building wealth on their own terms for the first time in history. YOU are part of that movement and there is work to do around stepping into your power in this space!

There are thousands and thousands of female business owners in the world who feel exactly the same as you do. Confused, in fear and longing for the day they take control of it all. The difference for you is, that time is now!

How exciting is that?

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re in exactly the right place...

You get to decide today to Master your Financials... to take control of your money, mindset and finance in your business... to learn the essentials of tax... are you ready to go ALL IN?

Not that long ago women were not allowed to have wealth. Have it, earn it, or keep it. In the UK women have only been able to have their own bank account since 1975. Mind blowing. On a cellular level there is a transition taking place with women across the world creating and building wealth on their own terms for the first time in history. YOU are part of that movement and there is work to do around stepping into your power in this space!

There are thousands and thousands of female business owners in the world who feel exactly the same as you do. Confused, in fear and longing for the day they take control of it all. The difference for you is, that time is now!

How exciting is that?

What if I told you things could be different?

What if I told you things could be different?

How amazing would it feel to have real confidence when managing your finances, tax and accounts?

You've started your business, you're successfully making sales - congratulations!

I see you hustling and I am celebrating you.

However, I know it fills you with fear when someone mentions HMRC, tax or accounting. You have never been shown the ropes, no one taught the fundamentals of business finance in schools and college!

It is never too late to learn.

What if you could break through your barriers and fears to finally achieve the financial abundance you desire?

You are happy staying in your lane when it comes to being an entrepreneur and although numbers or maths were never really your thing, you know that being financially savvy is going to be the difference between making or breaking your business.

You feel stuck and know that if you don't overcome these mindset hurdles that are holding back, then you will keep repeating the same cycles!

Imagine feeling good about your numbers; knowing them months, even years, in advance! What would that mean for you?

  • You would book the holiday

  • You would pay yourself a higher wage

  • You would take on extra support or staff to share the load

    But at the moment you just cannot afford it!

    Another month comes around and

you can't work out where all the money goes. Saving the tax in advance? Don't even start with that!

How amazing would it feel to have real confidence when managing your finances, tax and accounts?

You've started your business, you're successfully making sales - congratulations!

I see you hustling and I am celebrating you.

However, I know it fills you with fear when someone mentions HMRC, tax or accounting. You have never been shown the ropes, no one taught the fundamentals of business finance in schools and college!

It is never too late to learn.

What if you could break through your barriers and fears to finally achieve the financial abundance you desire?

You are happy staying in your lane when it comes to being an entrepreneur and although numbers or maths were never really your thing, you know that being financially savvy is going to be the difference between making or breaking your business.

You feel stuck and know that if you don't overcome these mindset hurdles that are holding back, then you will keep repeating the same cycles!

Imagine feeling good about your numbers; knowing them months, even years, in advance! What would that mean for you?

You would book the holiday

You would pay yourself a higher wage

You would take on extra support or staff to share the load

But at the moment you just cannot afford it!

Another month comes around and

you can't work out where all the money goes. Saving the tax in advance? Don't even start with that!

I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Female Founders:

Finance Mastery Blueprint

Finance Mastery Blueprint is the group program for Female Founders who want to take control of their financials. As essential roadmap that will empower you to master the key components required to achieve financial success in your business!

Across 4 weeks, together we are going to get you the confidence and clarity you need to run your business like a well oiled machine. This program has been built by an award winning Qualified Licenced Accountant, with two decades of experience working with hundreds of businesses just like yours. There are patterns and mistakes made over and over again by women in business due to no fault of their own.

This course is going to make sure you don't make those mistakes by teaching you about them. It is going to save you tax by showing you how to optimise your tax position whilst maximising your profits! And it is going to help you improve your relationship with money. Sound good?

I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Female Founders:

Finance Mastery Blueprint

Finance Mastery Blueprint is the group program for Female Founders who want to take control of their financials. As essential roadmap that will empower you to master the key components required to achieve financial success in your business!

Across 4 weeks, together we are going to get you the confidence and clarity you need to run your business like a well oiled machine. This program has been built by an award winning Qualified Licenced Accountant, with two decades of experience working with hundreds of businesses just like yours. There are patterns and mistakes made over and over again by women in business due to no fault of their own.

This course is going to make sure you don't make those mistakes by teaching you about them. It is going to save you tax by showing you how to optimise your tax position whilst maximising your profits! And it is going to help you improve your relationship with money. Sound good?

I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Female Founders:

Finance Mastery Blueprint

Finance Mastery Blueprint is the group program for Female Founders who want to take control of their financials. As essential roadmap that will empower you to master the key components required to achieve financial success in your business!

Across 4 weeks, together we are going to get you the confidence and clarity you need to run your business like a well oiled machine. This program has been built by an award winning Qualified Licenced Accountant, with two decades of experience working with hundreds of businesses just like yours. There are patterns and mistakes made over and over again by women in business due to no fault of their own.

This course is going to make sure you don't make those mistakes by teaching you about them. It is going to save you tax by showing you how to optimise your tax position whilst maximising your profits! And it is going to help you improve your relationship with money. Sound good?



Week 1


World Class Practice

Financial Freedom Behaviours

Tax and Money Management in Business

Bonus Masterclass -

Money Mindset

A history of women in business and the mindset piece you are currently missing.

Week 2


Business Structures

Limited Companies vs Sole Trader - Benefits of each

Tax Returns & Your Tax Profile

Bonus Masterclass - Accountants

Getting the best from working with an Accountant, the do's and don'ts.

Week 3


Finance and Accounting

The Non Negotiables of Compliance

HMRC and the big changes coming that you need to be aware of, as a business owner

Bonus Masterclass -


Accountancy Software

Week 4 -*BRAND NEW*


Scaling and Growth

Investing & Diversifying

Wealth on Your Terms

Bonus Masterclass -

Finance Gold

VAT, Common Errors to Avoid,

High Net Worth Finance & Tax Considerations

Week 1


World Class Practice

Financial Freedom Behaviours

Tax and Money Management in Business

Bonus Masterclass - Money Mindset

A history of women in business and the mindset piece you are currently missing.

Week 2


Business Structures

Limited Companies vs Sole Trader - Benefits of each

Tax Returns 101

Bonus Masterclass - Accountants

Getting the best from working with an Accountant, the do's and don'ts.

Week 3


Finance and Accounting

The Non Negotiables of Compliance

HMRC and the big changes coming that you need to be aware of, as a business owner

Bonus Masterclass - Software

Accountancy Software

Week 4 - *BRAND NEW*


Scaling and Growth

Investing & Diversifying

Wealth on Your Terms

Bonus Masterclass - Finance Gold

VAT, Common Errors to Avoid,

High Net Worth Finance & Tax Considerations

Finance Mastery Blueprint Testimonials

Finance Mastery Blueprint Testimonials

Before Finance Mastery, the words tax, HMRC and anything to do with finance used to freak me out. I'd completely bury my head in the sand and not think about it until I needed to. I used to really work myself up and It was complete overwhelm. I needed to get on top of my finances and see what was working and what wasn't. My business needed to get to a point where it was thriving.

Finance Mastery has now given me the confidence to be able to sit down, look at my finances, run reports each month to know what I should be saving for tax (rather than freaking out at the tax bill each year when it comes) but also what I want my profit to look like. Working to my Magic Number and running business on my own terms. I've made sure that I am paying myself an actual wage and have separated myself (and my mindset) from the business.

Gemma has really inspired me to start setting goals for my business and taking time out of the salon to focus on all the behind the scenes work to really help my business flourish. I can't recommend Gem enough.

Megg Jones xx


My biggest challenge before Finance Mastery was understanding finance and my money mindset holding me back. I always associated finance with maths which I was dreadful at so it would panic me. I have gained so much from taking the program. I now have a much bigger understanding of how the finance structure works. A big boost in confidence that I can keep a track and keep in top and also the employed mindset v the business owner one. Also that I can say ‘ I don’t understand’ and it’s ok! I’m not going to be told I’m stupid for not knowing.

I loved the mix of styles in the delivery, to be on the call in the moment and dedicate the hour each week was invaluable. To then be able to go back and re-watch whilst working through the workbooks in my own time and worked for me. I could pause at moments to think about and get thoughts jotted down.

I really enjoyed the course, never thought I'd say that about finances! Gemma delivered it in a friendly yet professional manner and I felt completely at ease from the start. I would 💯 recommend this course to anyone who wants to get to grips with their finances.

Debbie Smith xx


Mastery for Female Founders

Creating Wealth On Your Terms

The modern day woman in business is financially savvy, empowered and leading change.

It's time you took your destiny into your own hands and crafted the future of your dreams. Finance Mastery Blueprint is taking Female Founders on a journey to master their mindset and money in business to reach new heights. The sky is the limit once the essential financial blueprint is in place.

Here's what you'll get when you join:


LIVE Weekly Trainings!

You will cover 4 Key Modules.

Delivered in 4 x 60 minute LIVE Trainings.

Delivered by Gem, an award winning, Qualified Licensed Accountant.

All replays will be available.

Value: £1,000


Membership Area

You will have your very own Membership Area with access to share the journey with the other Female Founders enrolled in the course.

It will be a place to seek support throughout the 4 weeks, somewhere for you to celebrate wins or ask questions!

Value: £320.00


Workbooks, all LIVE Modules

'Done For You' Workbooks for each module.

A resource to support your learning throughout the course.

Value: £200.00


Bonus Masterclasses

4 Juicy Masterclasses in addition to the main course content giving you all the information you need to succeed! I'm sharing everything with zero gatekeeping!

Value: £500.00


LIVE Weekly Trainings!

You will cover 4 Key Modules.

Delivered in 4 x 60 minute LIVE Trainings.

Delivered by Gem, an award winning, Qualified Licensed Accountant.

All replays will be available.

Value: £1,200


Membership Area

You will have your very own Membership Area with access to share the journey with the other Female Founders enrolled in the course.

It will be a place to seek support throughout the 4 weeks, somewhere for you to celebrate wins or ask questions!

Value: £320.00


Workbooks, all LIVE Modules

'Done For You' Workbooks for each module.

A resource to support your learning throughout the course.

Value: £280.00


Bonus Masterclasses

4 Juicy Masterclasses in addition to the main course content giving you all the information you need to succeed! I'm sharing everything with zero gatekeeping!

Value: £500.00

Client Testimonials

“Gemma gave me the confidence to take the leap.. the information she provides is invaluable..”

— The Nail Room - Amanda Jones

“Gemma explains everything in such an easy way to understand and makes everything feel achievable. She leaves me feeling organised and in control.. Worth her weight in gold.. ”

— Entrepreneur - Alisha Wilde

“Gem's support has given me so much confidence as a business owner. I think anyone who has their own business would benefit from seeing Gemma.”

— Morgelyn Studio - Tania Smart

“Gemma gave me the confidence to take the leap.. the information she provides is invaluable..”

— The Nail Room - Amanda Jones

“Gemma explains everything in such an easy way to understand and makes everything feel achievable. She leaves me feeling organised and in control.. Worth her weight in gold.. ”

— Entrepreneur - Alisha Wilde

“Gem's support has given me so much confidence as a business owner. I think anyone who has their own business would benefit from seeing Gemma.”

— Morgelyn Studio - Tania Smart

A Total Value of Over: (£2,300)

Want to join the next round?

You can join the waitlist below to be the first to hear when I open the doors for the next round. Spaces will be limited!

A Total Value of Over: (£2,300)

Want to join the next round?

You can join the waitlist below to be the first to hear when I open the doors for the next round. Spaces will be limited!

A Total Value of Over: (£2,300)

Pay in full

for just £697!

A Total Value of Over: (£2,300)

Payment Plan

of £236!

Spread across 3 x instalments of £236

A Total Value of Over: (£2,300)

Pay in full

for just £697!

A Total Value of Over: (£2,300)

Payment Plan

of £236!

Spread across 3 x instalments of £236


What if I cannot make the LIVE calls each week?

All LIVE calls will be uploaded to your membership area and will be available to watch on replay. Therefore you have the opportunity to rewatch the tutorials at a time suitable to you.

How long do I have access to the programme and course material?

You have lifetime access.

How are the tutorials delivered?

You will be given a log in to an exclusive members area which will house the workbooks and pre recorded masterclasses. The LIVE trainings will be taught over zoom and all links will be provided with email reminders sent prior. The LIVE calls will also be uploaded to your members area.

What if I cannot make the LIVE calls each week?

All LIVE calls will be uploaded to your membership area and will be available to watch on replay. Therefore you have the opportunity to rewatch the tutorials at a time suitable to you.

How long do I have access to the programme and course material?

You have lifetime access.

How are the tutorials delivered?

You will be given a log in to an exclusive members area which will house the workbooks and pre recorded masterclasses. The LIVE trainings will be taught over zoom and all links will be provided with email reminders sent prior. The LIVE calls will also be uploaded to your members area.

What if I haven't started my business yet?

The course will be more beneficial to those who are already in business and past the start up stage. So from 6+ months of trading under your belt to beyond.

Will I get personalised tax advice?

Due to strict licencing laws we are unable to provide you with specific tax advice as part of this training. This programme will cover the fundamental principles and it will be up to each individual to apply this learning to their own circumstances.

What is the refunds policy?

Due to the nature of instant information sharing of the material there are no refunds for the course.

What if I haven't started my business yet?

The course will be more beneficial to those who are already in business and past the start up stage. So from 6+ months of trading under your belt to beyond.

Will I get personalised tax advice?

Due to strict licencing laws we are unable to provide you with specific tax advice as part of this training. This programme will cover the fundamental principles and it will be up to each individual to apply this learning to their own circumstances.

What is the refunds policy?

Due to the nature of instant information sharing of the material there are no refunds for the course.